what can YaoYu chromium carbide wear plate do for cement and concrete plants ?
Published:2019-01-09 10:27:49    Text Size:【BIG】【MEDIUM】【SMALL

what can YaoYu chromium carbide wear plate do for cement and concrete plants ?

Many end users engaged in cement and concrete plants use Hardox or manganese steel a lot. When they changed to use chromium carbide overlay materials manufactured from YaoYu wear plate, the long wear life brought the customers back for more components manufactured from YaoYu.

The end user worked at cement and concrete plants knows how quickly concrete and cement powder destroys equipment. The wear components that made with YaoYu wear plate ensures that material hang up is minimized and operator efficiency maximized. Typical applications includes chute, conveyor, fan blade, hopper, pipe and elbows.

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YaoYu Chromium Carbide Overlay Plate Fighting Wear